Wiltsee Collection panels 101-110
Panel 101
Wells Fargo worked with other express companies to deliver letters. These letters were sent by Thomes and Skadan’s Express, Tibbett’s and Co.’s Excelsior Express, and Tinnin and Owens Weaverville and Shasta Express.
No. 562
Addressed to James F. Reed, the well-known member of the Donner Party. Taken by Thomes and Skadan’s Express, which operated from Susanville, California, to Reno, Nevada. From there Wells Fargo forwarded this letter to San Jose, California.
No. 563
Sent to L. Dinkelspiel and Co. in San Francisco, California. Taken by Thomes and Skadan’s Express, which connected with Wells Fargo.
No. 564
Taken by Tibbett’s and Co.’s Excelsior Express, which ran from Nevada City to the Excelsior District and Meadow Lake. W. R. Parker states that Tibbett bought out Organ and Tibbetts on Oct. 2, 1865. This letter was delivered to E. B. Wilcox in New York City by Boyd’s Dispatch, April 20, 1866.
No. 565
Unused cover with a frank for Tinnin and Owens Weaverville and Shasta Express, which operated between Weaverville and Shasta in 1867 and 1868.
Photograph of Horsetown, California.
Panel 102
Wells Fargo worked with other express companies to deliver letters. These letters were sent by Todd and Bryan’s Express and Todd and Co.’s Express.
No. 566
Addressed to Hiram Brown in San Francisco, California, but on the reverse is a note that this letter was opened by mistake. Sent from Keokuk, Iowa, to California where Todd and Bryan’s Express delivered this letter January 29, 1850. This was probably the first organized express in California as A. H. Todd was the first expressman. It ran from San Francisco and Stockton to the Southern mines. It lasted only six months, until July 13, 1850, when Bryan left and A. H. Todd continued, forming Todd and Co.’s Express.
No. 567
Taken by Todd and Bryan’s Express to San Francisco, California, and there turned over to Berford and Co.’s Express to San Jose. It was addressed to William Van Voorhies, California’s Secretary of State.
No. 568
Sent from Montrose, Iowa, to California, where Todd and Co.’s Express picked it up at Stockton and delivered to John S. Haines at the celebrated “Hawkeye House.”
No. 569
Sent to Peter Baker in San Francisco, California. Taken up by Todd and Co.’s Express from Carson’s Creek and dropped in the San Francisco Post Office.
No. 570
Taken by Todd and Co.’s Express from Stockton to San Francisco, California, where it was delivered to the Post Office, which forwarded this letter to Charles Crosby in San Francisco, California. Inside is a letter dated April 15, 1851 from G. Washburn.
No. 571
Taken by Todd and Co.’s Express from Stockton to San Francisco, California, where it was delivered to the Post Office, which forwarded this letter to bankers Burgoyne and Co. Inside is a letter dated March 10, 1851, from W. H. Robinson and Co. concerning a draft of $140.00 to go by the first steamer to Panama.
Photograph of Murphy’s Camp, California, 1930s.
Panel 103
Wells Fargo worked with other express companies to deliver letters. These letters were sent by Todd and Co.’s Oregon and California Express, Todd’s Express, and Tracy and Spear’s Express.
No. 572
Sent from Oregon City, to A. P. Ankeny Portland, Oregon, by Todd and Co.’s Oregon and California Express. This express, owned by A. H. Todd, succeeded Todd and Colt’s Oregon and California Express. It existed from June, 1850, to Oct. 8, 1851. Inside is a letter dated July 1851 from A. Holbrook.
No. 573
Sent from B. F. Moulton in San Francisco to B. Hall in Stockton, California. Taken by Todd’s Express, which ran from Stockton to the Southern mines. It was formed by C. A. Todd who bought out Reynolds, Todd and Co. on April 26, 1852. This express existed until Sept. 14, 1853 when it was purchased by Wells Fargo, giving them their first solid entry into the Southern mines.
No. 574
Sent from Sonora to J. W. Mandeville in Benicia, California. Taken by Todd’s Express.
No. 575
Sent to the Bisagno Brothers in San Francisco, California. Taken by Tracy and Spear’s Express, which ran from Georgetown to Placerville, via Kelsey and Spanish Flat. Connected in Placerville with Wells Fargo. It also connected with the Great Pioneer Express running to the small camps on the Middle Fork of the American River above Georgetown.
Photograph of Georgetown, California, 1930s.
Panel 104
Wells Fargo worked with other express companies to deliver letters. These letters were sent by Tracy and Co.’s Oregon Express.
No. 576
From the Dalles to Fort Steilacoom in Washington Territory. Taken by Tracy and Co.’s Express, which initially ran from Portland to Jacksonville, Oregon. E. W. Tracy bought out Nichols and Co.’s Express. From Jacksonville, Tracy connected with Beekman’s Express to Yuba, California. As early as Feb. 1860 he was also operating Tracy and Co.’s Express from Portland to the Dalles, Walla Walla, and on to the John Day Country, rapidly extending to Nez Perce and Salmon River in 1862 and the Boise Basin in June 1863, when he was shipping more gold dust over his lines than Wells Fargo.
No. 577
Sent to I. Rosenfeld in Portland, Oregon, by Tracy and Co.’s Express.
No. 578
Sent to Marks and Co. in Roseburg, Oregon, from merchants Brown and Brother in the Dalles by Tracy and Co.’s Oregon Express through Portland.
No. 579
Unused cover with a frank for Tracy and Co.’s Oregon Express.
No. 580
Sent to Henry Cummings in Eugene City, Oregon, from Walla Walla by Tracy and Co.’s Salmon River Express.
No. 581
Sent from Bannack City, Montana Territory to Atchison, Kansas, and forwarded by U.S. mail to Mrs. Diana E. Macomber in Tiverton Bliss, Rhode Island. Taken by Tracy and Co.’s Boise Express to Bannack City, where Wells Fargo delivered it to Atchison.
Photograph of Beekman’s Bank and Express Office in Jacksonville, Oregon.
Panel 105
Wells Fargo worked with other express companies to deliver letters. These letters were sent by Truman and Co.’s Express, Truman and Chapman’s Express, and Thompson and Co.’s Express.
No. 582
Sent to Lemoine Gambert in San Jose, California. Taken by Truman and Co.’s Express, which ran from San Francisco to San Jose in 1856-1867.
No. 583
Sent from San Francisco to Lemoine Gambert and Co. in San Jose, California. Taken by Truman and Co.’s Express.
No. 584
Sent from San Francisco to Lemoine Gambert and Co. in San Jose, California. Taken by Truman and Co.’s Express.
No. 585
Sent from San Francisco to Leoine Gambert and Co. in San Jose, California. Taken by Truman and Co.’s Express.
No. 586
Sent from San Francisco to Lemoine Gambert and Co. in San Jose, California. Taken by Truman and Co.’s Express.
No. 1308
Sent from Redwood City to Samuel Hill in San Francisco, California. Possibly taken by Truman and Chapman’s Express, which ran from San Jose to San Francisco.
No. 1309
Sent to David McKay in San Francisco, California. Taken by Thompson and Co.’s Express, which ran between Petaluma and Santa Rosa in 1857, connected with Wells Fargo.
Photograph of Coloma, California, 1930s.
Panel 106
Wells Fargo worked with other express companies to deliver letters. These letters were sent by Truman and Co.’s Express, Tucker’s Siskiyou Express, and Wellington Express.
No. 587
Sent from San Francisco to J. C. Black in San Jose, California. Taken by Truman and Co.’s Express.
No. 588
Sent from San Francisco to Goodall and Nelson at the corner of East and Merchant Streets in San Francisco, California. Taken by Truman and Co.’s Express in August 1861.
No. 589
Sent to G. D. Brush and L. M. Scack in Mokelumne Hill, California. Taken by Tucker’s Siskiyou Express. Features a Wells Fargo frank.
No. 590
Sent from Wellington, Nevada, by Wellington Express to Esmeralda where it went by U.S. mail to Miss Mary E. Bush in New York City.
Photograph of Kerbyville, Oregon, 1930s.
Panel 107
Wells Fargo worked with other express companies to deliver letters. These letters were sent by Turner’s Pony Express, L. H. Wells’ Moore’s Flat and Eureka Express, Wells and Herring’s Moore’s Flat and Eureka Express, and Washburn’s Express and News Agency.
No. 591
Sent to J. M. Reynold in Placerville, California. Taken from Jacobsville, Nevada, a town on the Stage Line, by Turner’s Pony Express to Placerville. Other letters were then forwarded on the Overland Line.
No. 592
Unused cover with a frank for L. H. Wells’ Moore’s Flat and Eureka Express. These expresses are part of the succession running from Nevada City, Emigrant Gap, and Moore’s Flat to Eureka South (Graniteville).
No. 593
Unused cover with a frank for Wells and Herring’s Moore’s Flat and Eureka Express.
No. 594
Addressed to William H. Trimble in Camptonville, California. Taken from there by Washburn’s Express and News Agency to Young’s Hill. From 1856-1857, Washburn’s Express ran from Camptonville to the many surrounding camps such as Youngs Hill, Sleighville, and Slate Range collecting and delivering letters and newspapers. Inside is a letter dated February 4, 1857 from Martha Walker in Russian River.
Panel 108
Wells Fargo worked with other express companies to deliver letters. These letters were sent by Wheeler’s Express and Wheeler, Rutherford and Co.’s Express.
No. 595
Sent from La Porte to Kleckner and Bro. in Port Wine, California. Taken by Wheeler’s Express, which ran from Marysville to La Porte and Plumas County points, succeeding Holland, Morley and Co.’s Express, Nov. 28, 1863.
No. 596
Cover marked “Old Papers, July 1st, 1868.” Cover has a frank for Wheeler’s Express.
No. 597
Sent from merchants and shippers Malott and Co. in Marysville to Kleckner and Bro. in Port Wine, California. Taken by Wheeler, Rutherford and Co.’s Express, which succeeded Wheeler’s Express in 1864.
No. 598
Sent from Forbestown to H. Darrach in Oroville, California. Taken by Wheeler, Rutherford and Co.’s Express. This cover also has a cancellation for Everts, Davis and Co.’s frank with their name removed.
Check of Kleckner and Bro. on John Conly, Banker, La Porte, Aug. 28, 1860.
Photograph of the Kleckner and Bro. store in Port Wine, California, 1930s.
Panel 109
Wells Fargo worked with other express companies to deliver letters. These letters were sent by Whiting and Co.’s Express, Wood and Co.’s Express, and Whitney and Co.’s Express.
No. 599
Taken from somewhere along the Feather River by Whiting and Co.’s Express to Bidwells Bar where it was sent by U.S. mail to Miss Beulah A. Billings in Mittineague, Massachusetts. Whiting and Co.’s Express ran from Marysville to Feather River and Plumas County points in 1859 and 1868.
No. 600
Taken from somewhere along the Feather River by Whiting and Co.’s Express to Oroville, where it was forwarded by Wells Fargo to John A. Ritchee in San Francisco, California.
No. 601
Sent to John A. Ritchee in Marysville, California. Taken by Whiting and Co.’s Express.
No. 602
Sent to John Goodwin in Quincy, California, by Wood and Co.’s Express which ran from Oroville to Susanville, Taylorville, and Quincy.
No. 603
Unused cover with a frank for Wood and Co.’s Express.
No. 604
Sent to Tubbs Hotel in Oakland, California. Taken by Whitney and Co.’s Express, which succeeded Bamber and Co. in running from Contra Costa Co. points to San Francisco.
Photograph of Bidwell’s Bar, California, 1930s. At that time the only original buildings were the old store and county jail.
Photograph of Old Toiles Hotel, California, 1930s.
Panel 110
Wells Fargo worked with other express companies to deliver letters. These letters were sent by Adams and Co.’s Express, Bamber and Co.’s Express, and Brown’s Express.
No. 605
Sent from Boston to Martin and Lawson at No. 20 John Street, New York City, New York. Taken by Adams and Co.’s Express. This was not the Adams and Co.’s Express later incorporated in California but an earlier eastern company of the same name. Inside is a letter dated October 21, 1844, that concerns a shipment of fabric for Miss Spear. S. Turner signed the letter.
No. 606
Sent from Philadelphia to Enoch Thorn at 338 Pine Street in New York City, New York. Taken by Adams and Co.’s Express. Inside is a letter concerning subscriptions for the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company.
No. 607
Addressed to Gardener Gilman in Murphy’s Camp, Mariposa County, California. Taken by mistake by Adams and Co.’s Express to town of Mariposa and forwarded on to Murphy’s Camp. Inside is a letter dated March 12, 1853, from Edmund Chadwell.
No. 608
Addressed to D. W. Cheeseman in Oakland, California. This cover has a Bamber and Co.’s Express frank on an envelope but with no U.S. postage stamp, as required.
No. 609
Addressed to A. R. Bradbury and Co. in Stockton, California. An express mark from Brown’s Express in Angels Camp is featured on this cover.
Photograph of Volcano, California, 1930s.