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Innovation. It’s in our blood. It’s the enduring thread that runs through our history and continues to move us forward. As long as there are customers to be helped, we’ll keep at it. And keep sharing our stories here. Welcome.

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This Day in Wells Fargo HistoryFebruary 15, 1917

Alvina James wrote to Wells Fargo manager E.A. Stedman commending Chicago wagon driver Arthur Oehme’s kindness to his horse. Miss James had observed Oehme blanketing the animal in cold weather and giving his equine workmate encouraging pats.

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Wells Fargo express wagon pulled by one large gray horse. Young man stands at horse's left side. Banner on wagon reads in large letters First to Fight U.S. Marines Land Sea Sky Enlist at 628 South State Street.

A partnership born to solve challenges

Throughout their lives, Henry Wells and William G. Fargo, the founders of Wells, Fargo & Co., were known for their innovation and dedication to customers.

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