Wiltsee Collection panels 131-140
Panel 131
Letters from Fort Tejon, Fosters Bar, Forth Crossing, French Corral, French Gulch, Gibsonville, and Georgetown.
No. 797
Sent from Georgetown, South Carolina, to Benicia and forwarded to Fort Reading, San Francisco, and Fort Tejon through San Pedro. Addressed to Ben Aleston. Taken partly by Army mail pouch.
No. 798
Sent from Fosters Bar, California, to Miss Lucy Jan Whitcomb in Swanzey, New Hampshire.
No. 799
Sent from Fourth Crossing, California, to J. C. Black in San Jose, California.
No. 800
Sent from French Corral to Mrs. Adaline D. Lyon in Westport, New York State. Inside is a letter dated February 12, 1861, from H. O. Lyon to her mother. She wrote that “The people here try to make one think that I want to get married but I tell them that I am not old enough and besides my mother would not like it if I should.”
No. 801
Sent from French Gulch, California, to John P. Wilson in San Francisco.
No. 802
Sent from Gibsonville, California, to Miss Lydia A. Woodward in Foxcroft, Maine.
No. 803
Sent from Georgetown, California, to George H. Murphy in Mystic River, Connecticut.
No. 804
Sent from Georgetown, California, to C. C. Carpenter in Denver City, Pikes Peak, Colorado. Dated October 28, 1860. Taken by overland stage through Placerville and Salt Lake City.
Photograph of the Old American Hotel at Georgetown, California, 1930s.
Panel 132
Letters from Goodyears Bar and Grass Valley.
No. 805
Sent from Goodyears Bar, California, to Winslow S. Pierce, the State Comptroller, at Benicia. Dated July 2, 1853. Inside is a letter from Charles Stanwood and John D. Scellen asking for payment for “services rendered to the States in our official capacity in certain suits brought by the District Attorney against a number of merchants for buying and selling gold Dust without license.”
No. 806
Sent from Goodyears Bar, California, to Winslow S. Pierce, the State Comptroller, at Benicia. Dated August 8, 1853. Inside is a letter from Charles Stanwood and John D. Scellen regarding their letter from July 2.
No. 807
Sent from Goodyears Bar, California, to Hiram A. Messenger in Mokelumne Hill.
No. 808
Sent from Goodyears Bar, California, Albert H. Park in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
No. 809
Sent from Grass Valley, California, to Miss Caroline E. Parker in Chelsea, Massachusetts. Dated November 4, 1858.
No. 810
Sent from Grass Valley, California, to Sarah Pellet in North Brookfield, Massachusetts.
No. 811
Sent from Grass Valley, California, to the Postmaster at Goodyear Bar.
No. 812
Sent from Grass Valley, California, to Alfred N. Newland in Colusa.
Photograph of the old Union Hotel in Nevada City, California, 1930s.
Panel 133
Letters from Gilroy, Greensprings, Grafton, Greenwood, Hamilton, Healdsburg, Henley, and Hornitos.
No. 813
Sent from Gilroy, California, to G. A. Perkins in Athens, Pennsylvania.
No. 814
Sent from Green Springs, California, to Miss Abbie J. Bourne in Wareham, Massachusetts. Inside is a letter dated January 1, 1858, from her brother. He wished her a Happy New Years, and reflected on how his sister must now be 20 years old, but he and his friend “still thinks of you as a child as you were when he left.”
No. 815
Sent from Grafton, California, to G. W. Pierce in San Francisco. Dated August 5, 1866.
No. 816
Sent from Greenwood, California, to Mrs. Walter North in Springfield, Massachusetts.
No. 817
Sent from Hamilton, California, the first county seat of Butte County, but today a ghost town. Addressed to the Governor of California, John McDougall, in San Francisco, California.
No. 818
Sent from Healdsburg, California, to L. L. Latimer in Santa Rosa. Dated August 3, 1863.
No. 819
Sent from Healdsburg (written as Healdsburgh), California, to Laura Pine in Cedar Lake, New York.
No. 820
Sent from Henley, California, to Welborn Beeson in Phoenix, Oregon. Inside is a letter dated February 17, 1867, from J. P. Chandler who has “only eleven more months to serve” as a soldier.
No. 821
Sent from Hornitos (spelled Hornitus), California, to George E. Drew in Stockton, California. Inside is a letter dated June 22, 1864, from M. B. Lewis concerning a payment sent by Wells Fargo.
Photograph of an old building in Hornitos, California, 1930s.
Panel 134
Letters from Hornitos, Illinoistown, Indian Diggins, Indian Springs, and Horsetown.
No. 822
Sent from Hornitos (spelled Hornitas,) California, to Mrs. F. Freeman in Charleston, Massachusetts.
No. 823
Sent from Hornitos (spelled Hornitas,) California, to A. Gagliard in San Francisco.
No. 824
Sent from Hornitos (spelled Hornitas,) California, to Miss Esther H. Whuler in Bow, New Hampshire.
No. 825
Sent from Illinoistown, one of the early names of Colfax, California. Addressed to Miss Betty Merrill in Columbia, New York.
No. 826
Sent form from Illinoistown, one of the early names of Colfax, California. Addressed to MissF. E. Newman in Dixfield, Maine.
No. 827
Sent from Indian Diggins, California, to C. F. Irwin in Placerville, California.
No. 828
Sent from Indian Springs, California, to Mrs. Martha Paine in East Brookfield, Vermont.
No. 829
Sent from Horsetown, California, to Mrs. William Goodspeed in Paterson, New Jersey.
No. 830
Sent from Horsetown, California, to Mrs. Julius Marble in Harmony, Maine.
Photograph of Gagilardo’s old store at Hornitos, California.
Panel 135
Letters from Indian Gulch, Iowa City, Iowa Hill, Indian Valley, Ione, and Ione Valley.
No. 831 to No. 833
Sent from Indian Gulch, California, to H. W. Cornett in Santa Clara.
No. 832
Sent from Indian Gulch, California, to H. W. Cornett in Santa Clara.
No. 833
Sent from Indian Gulch, California, to H. W. Cornett in Santa Clara.
No. 834
Sent from Iowa City, California, which was relocated as Iowa Hill after a hydraulic project. Addressed to G. F. Bloom in Bloomville, Illinois. Dated February 17, 1857.
No. 835
Sent from Iowa City, California, to L. P. Griswold in White Hall, Illinois. Inside is a letter from C. H. Giller. Giller wished his friend Loyal congratulations on his recent marriage.
No. 836
Sent to Alanson Moore in Iowa Hill, California.
No. 837
Sent from Indian Valley, California, to Fredrick Blake in Sierra County. Dated February 20, 1880.
No. 838
Sent from Ione, California, to Rev. G. S. Phillips in Sacramento. Dated December 31, 1856.
No. 839
Sent from Ione Valley, California, to Rev. G. S. Phillips in Sacramento. Dated April 29, 1857.
Photograph of Indian Gulch, California, 1930s.
Panel 136
Letters from Jackson, Jacksonville, Jenny Lind, Jamestown, and Johnsons Ranch.
No. 840
Sent from Jackson, California, to B. F. Dowell. First addressed to Los Angeles, but later changed to El Paso. Inside is a letter dated April 15, 1853, from L. Martin to his friend about his experiences recently relocating from Los Angeles to Jackson.
No. 841
Sent from Jackson, California, to Washington Herald in Carmel, Maine.
No. 842
Sent from Jacksonville, California, to Miss Frances Ann Gray in Brunswick, Maine.
No. 843
Sent from Jenny Lind, California, to Joseph N. Southen in San Francisco. Dated April 25, 1864.
No. 844
Sent from Jamestown, California, to Chas. H. Hempstead in Benicia.
No. 845
Sent from Jamestown, California, to C. L. Newcomb in Scotland, Connecticut.
No. 846
Sent from Johnsons Ranch, California, to Brig. General A. Miller in Sacramento. Inside is a letter dated June 10, 1851, from Major William Rogers.
No. 847
Sent from Johnsons Ranch, California, to James Gregorey and Son in Marblehead, Massachusetts. Dated October 4, 1858.
Photograph of the Odd Fellows Hall in Jenny Lind, California, 1930s.
Panel 137
Letters from Junction, Kibesillah, Kingsburg, Knight’s Ferry, and La Grange.
No. 848
Sent from Junction, Contra Costa County, California, which was “the City of New York in the Pacific.” Addressed to W. Van Voorhies in San Jose. Dated November 7, 1850.
No. 849
Sent from Kibesillah, California, to Col. S. G. Whipple at Fort Walla Walla in the Washington Territory. Dated April 28, 1878.
No. 850
Sent from Kingsburg, California, to Miss P. A. Halcomb in Jenny Lind.
No. 851
Sent from Knight’s Ferry, California, to Mrs. Walter Smith in Coulterville.
No. 852
Sent from Knight’s Ferry, California, to the pension office in Washington, D.C. Dated November 29, 1859, and taken by stagecoach overland from Los Angeles.
No. 853
Sent from La Grange, California, an old mining town and the former county seat for Stanislaus County. Addressed to County Surveyor Duncan Beaumont. Inside is a letter dated October 23, 1859, from Silas Wilcox.
No. 854
Sent from La Grange, California, to Mrs. Franklin Childs in Lawrence, Massachusetts.
No. 855
Sent from La Grange, California, to Commissioner of Pensions George C. Whiting in Washington, D. C.
Photograph of the old Court House at Knight’s Ferry, California, 1930s.
Panel 138
Letters from Lassen, Lincoln, Liberty, La Porte, and Lancha Plana.
No. 856
Sent from Lassen, California, to Hattie Brophy in Ashlin (likely Ashland) Mills, Oregon.
No. 857
Sent from Lincoln, California, to Alfred Newland in Colusa.
No. 858
Sent from Liberty, California, to Blanchard and Gwin in Placerville.
No. 859
Addressed to Hiram Miller in “St Jose or Jan Jose,” California. Sent from La Porte by Postmaster W. Youlen.
No. 860
Sent from La Porte, California, to Sarah A. Rogers in Brunswick, Missouri.
No. 861
Sent from La Porte, California, to James G. Hill. First sent to Fort Valley, Georgia. Corrected and sent overland through Los Angeles to Byromville, Georgia.
No. 862
Sent from La Porte, California. Sent by overland mail through Los Angeles to Rev. Whitman C. Hill in Fort Valley, Georgia. Dated February 2, 1859.
No. 863
Sent from La Porte, California, to John P. Mason in Marysville. Dated April 29, 1859. Inside is a letter from his mother writing, “dear little Harry is at my side tell me in a whisper to send a ship to his big brother Johnnie and tell him to come home so as he can ride on his back…” Another brother, Willie, writes, “write soon an let me know about the school be shure an tell me the next letter that you write for I am very anxious to know.”
No. 864
Sent from Lancha Plana, California, to W. W. Gordan in Jackson.
Photograph of La Porte, California, 1930s.
Panel 139
Letters from Linden, Little York, Los Angeles, and Louisville.
No. 865
Sent from Linden, California, to Abraham Doan in Sharon, Ontario, Canada. Dated February 3, 1863. Taken overland by stage.
No. 866
Sent from Little York, California (now a ghost town), to Miss Lydia A Pirce in Johnston, Rhode Island.
No. 867
Sent from Los Angeles, California, to Comptroller of the State John S. Houston, in San Jose. Dated December 9, 1851.
No. 868
Sent from Los Angeles, California, to Secretary of State Winslow S. Pierce in Sacramento.
No. 869
Sent from Los Angeles, California, to May H. Stacey in Chester, Pennsylvania. Taken overland by stage.
No. 870
Sent from Los Angeles, California, to Rev. G. S. Phillips in Sacramento. Sent from Rev. A. S. Bateman on March 14, 1857.
No. 871
Sent from Los Angeles, California, to D. W. Cheesman in Oroville.
No. 872
Sent from Louisville, California, to Miss Rhoda Le Sauyer in Laurence, Massachusetts. Dated January 27, 1852. Inside is a letter from Mary Ann Longworth writing, “Things are very different hear from what the are in the States. All the company I have is in my hown family. There his no woman wihin 3 miles of our house. I have not seen one for this last 5 or 6 weeks. So you may just think how I feel.”
Photograph of the hotel built in 1855 at Dutch Flat, California, 1930s.
Panel 140
Letters from Long Bar, Mariposa, and Martinez.
No. 873
Sent from Long Bar, California, to Mrs. N. W. Cushing in Hanson, Massachusetts. Dated November 18, 1858.
No. 874
Sent from Long Bar, California, to Mr. Newland in Colusa.
No. 875
Sent from Mariposa, California, to Secretary of State J. W. Denver in Benicia. Contains a note stating, “Receipts of officers for laws of ’53.”
No. 876
Sent from Mariposa, California, to William B. Taylor in New York City, New York.
No. 877
Sent from Mariposa, California, to H. W. Cornett in Santa Clara. Dated February 21, 1868.
No. 878
Sent from Martinez, California, to Otis K. Freeman in Lansing, Michigan. Dated July 4, 1856.
No. 879
Sent from Martinez, California, by J. Strentzel to A. Erwin in Honey Grove, Texas. Dated December 4, 1858. Inside is a letter written in Alhambra Valley, near Martinez. Strentzel writes, “My dear Brother, My friend William George W. Branch is leaving with the steamer of tomorrow on a visit to Texas. He bears with him a letter of acquaintance and recommendation to you.”
No. 880
Sent from Martinez, California, to Col. Warren, owner and editor of the leading agricultural journal California Farmer. Sent to the “Farmer” offices in San Francisco.
Photograph of Mariposa, California, 1930s.
Photograph of the Court House, built in 1854, in Mariposa, California, 1930s.